We’ve released an update of Logaholic.
Many improvements were made, bugs were fixed and some cool features were added.
Here’s what changed:

Logaholic is now compatible with the iPad!
In the Keyword and Referrer report we changed the way landing pages are displayed. Instead of showing only one landing page, you can now drill down on the keyword or referrer and view a complete list in our new Landing Pages report.
We’ve also completely rebuilt the Exit Clicks feature. Now you just have to paste some javascript in your website in order to track clicks on links to external sites. The accompanying report Exit Clicks is available in our Report Store.
Lots of changes were made to the Trend reports. The extensive Trends Overview report is no longer available. We found that breaking up this report helps to increase clarity and is more easy-to-use. We therefore introduced the following individual reports; Trend Analysis (gives a Trend analysis for a single page, referrer or keyword), Page Trends, Conversion Trends (shows conversion trends for a single KPI) and Country Conversion (displays conversion rates per country). Conversion Rate and Performance Trends were merged. Top Keywords Trends was renamed to Keyword Trends.
In addition, all Trend reports now have support for segmentation filters.
Navigation improved with an extended scroller function. When many reports are opened in your default stats screen, simply moving the mouse over the report in the left menu is enough to get your screen where you want it to be. Also check out our new full screen report switch. Clicking on the arrow in the right-top corner of your report expands the report to your whole page width, which is really helpful if you’re focusing on something.
A few other things:
- Legends in all graphs can be used to enable/disable data series
- It’s now easier to allocate report store reports to different profiles
- Fixed lot’s of minor bugs
You can download Logaholic 3.1 here.
If you have any questions, please contact us.