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Both Logaholic (SHE) Self Hosted Edition and Logaholic (SPE) Service Provider Edition can be installed on a dedicated LAMP server running Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
Many different versions of Linux and Unix are available, each having its own particular characteristics. It is beyond the scope of this manual to explain in detail how to set up a LAMP server in order to run Logaholic on each version.
However, our Set up Wizard provides some helpful information on installing Logaholic on a currently-running LAMP server. Additionally, our Support section contains some excellent troubleshooting information for running Logaholic on a LAMP server.
For your convenience, we’ve provided a list of links that you might find helpful in setting up a LAMP server. If you know of any good LAMP manuals, please email us a link.
MySQL on Linux Tutorial
Howto Install MySQL on Linux
Building a LAMP Server
How to install Apache, PHP and MySQL on Linux: Part 1
Installing MySQL from RPM Packages on Linux
Installing Apache2 With PHP5 And MySQL Support On Ubuntu 11.04 (LAMP)
Installing PHP, MySQL and Apache under Linux
How to Install Apache with PHP and cURL on a Unix or Linux Platform
Apache 2 and PHP 5 (mod_php) on Linux